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Issues with Food

Sometimes people might use food to help them cope with how they are feeling or a difficult situation.  This can include eating a very large amount at once or getting rid of food they have already eaten in unhealthy ways. Problems around food can also include restricting your diet through not eating enough or cutting certain foods out of your diet. These behaviours can be dangerous to your physical health. Issues around food are often connected to problems and feelings that are hard to communicate.  It is not about the food but about having some control over how you feel. 

You may be worried about yourself or someone else, and the way they are eating or their attitude towards food.

Sometimes issues with food can become a mental health condition which are called eating disorders. Signs can be constantly worrying about your weight and body shape; eating very little food; feeling worried and not wanting to talk to anyone. You could also feel tired, dizzy or faint.

It is really important to talk to someone if you feel you are having issues with food. Support can start with a conversation with someone you trust such as a family member or a staff member at school.  It is important you are supported to speak to a health professional like your GP.

You can use the My Self Referral link below to access support.

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Do I have an eating disorder?

Which one of these statements is a myth?
Eating disorders can affect anyone of any gender  square Fact or Myth?


You can tell someone has an eating disorder by looking at them  square Fact or Myth?


Eating disorders can affect people of all shapes and sizes  square Fact or Myth?


For further support and information...  

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A guide to eating problems

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Eating problems

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Health for Teens

Information pages on issues with food

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Support on asking an adult for help

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Support on visiting a doctor

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Tellmi is a safe, anonymous app where you can talk about absolutely anything 

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My Self Referral

Any young person in Leicestershire and Rutland can use My Self Referral for information on mental health. 

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Teen Health

Use the link on this page to contact Teen Health 

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First Steps

Helping all ages to understand eating disorders

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